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Become a 2014 Walk MS Ambassador!

Are you passionate about finding a cure for multiple sclerosis? Do you have a personal connection to this disease and a story to share?

The Greater Carolinas Chapter of the National MS Society is looking for ambassadors to represent 2014 Walk MS. An ambassador is the "face" of this event and uses his or her personal story to inspire, connect and educate the community about this disease and this incredible event. Through speaking engagements, media interviews and public outreach, ambassadors energize others to get involved with Walk MS.

Who can become a Walk MS Ambassador?
We are looking for people who have a close connection to MS, who have been involved with Walk MS for at least one year, and enjoy sharing their story with others. Ambassadors should be comfortable using their story to inspire and motivate others to register and raise money for Walk MS.

What does a Walk MS Ambassador do?
Ambassadors serve as the "faces" of this event. Their stories will be featured in event materials, the Society website, emails and press releases. Ambassadors will help promote the event by hanging posters, distributing brochures, handing out trading cards, and participating in MS Awareness Week events. In the month leading up to Walk MS, ambassadors may be asked to conduct media interviews, talk with groups about getting involved in the MS movement, or attend local fundraising events. On the day of the event, ambassadors will play a key role in connecting with participants, volunteers, and teams.

What is the time commitment?
Ambassadors usually spend an average of 20-25 hours promoting the event and connecting with others in the months leading up to the event.

Why should I become a Walk MS Ambassador?
Being a Walk MS Ambassador is a fantastic way to raise awareness about multiple sclerosis and Walk MS in your community. It's a great way for you to become more connected to the National MS Society and wonderful way to do something about ending this disease. Ambassadors will receive volunteer hours for their work as well as fun tools and training opportunities.

For more information or to get started, contact Monica Tierney (Raleigh office) or Mally Gent (Charlotte office).


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